be liek: no /Explodingstuff/ viruses getting indexed in the motherland!!!111!!1!
@kat_draws (or a similarly named user), behind (I´d ask here, but the site doesn´t accept new members). I swear I saw them on wom, but I can´t find them now (maybe they left or renamed themselves). they may be a person (more specifically candxii-kat) from a scratch community I´m in which got banned by ST :(
Reward: good feeling of putting together communities torn apart by ST and maybe some wombucks if I get some
challenge: get the final animal on … with sound turned off and expert mode on all the time
It's done! Everyone should switch as soon as possible from the APK version of @wasteofmobile to the Google Play version as soon as possible! If you'd like to repost this to spread awareness that's cool - if not, just download it
@jeffalo what does it actually mean that you´re verified other than that you can flex on non-verified users if you want now?
Yeah people of wasteof let´s show jeffalo we are better than all the toxic ppl of the internet
Also if you make a repost chain of this imma bombard ya with potatoes and you do not want to experience that