It's done! Everyone should switch as soon as possible from the APK version of @wasteofmobile to the Google Play version as soon as possible! If you'd like to repost this to spread awareness that's cool - if not, just download it 😄

Jun 29, 2022, 12:21 PM
27 9 31


this is really cool

well done

Thank you :)

Is there a way to enable dark mode ;-;?

Just turn on your system dark mode!

I have to wait cause I’m out of town and use an iPhone so I have to wait till I get home on Saturday to use blue stacks on my computer


let's go, hoping it will show up in search results soon!

oops nvm it shows up now


Pablo: android edition

Shame I can´t download it due to parental control :(

Oof ;-; ask your parents?

They don´t even know I have wom yet, and because my mom wants me to get off my PC once my homework is done, I don´t think asking her is a good idea…

why don't profile pictures load at all

and my banner is white, while text is also white, so i can't read it (add text shadow and darken banner a bit)

android user :)

it’s an example of the downsides of open source software

still, it’s better than apple stuff

depends on what you get

I’ve heard OnePlus is pretty good

See more replies

Profile pictures don’t load on the first app launch. It’s a known bug in the platform I used to build the app. There was a dark overlay for banners, but it’s gone now for some reason. I’ll work on it! Sorry :(

Finally accepted

Fourth submission actually

Wow, your patience paid off

dang, I thought only apple made it hard

Oh believe me, Apple would be much worse