
some cool phrase

Nighty morning

These two images are the same thing

no it wasn’t the letter S has a point

Learning cursive was pointless

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I do not like this post that is why I am interacting with it as many times as possible specifically to show that I do not like it

stop being grumpy. If you don't like a post ignore it and then done. #saucepotato

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Oh, that’s what degridification does. That makes sense.

A grid of eulg eaters undergoing degridification, which is some kind of process that probably does something

A sad eulg eater after seeing all the eulg has already been eaten by a grid of eulg eaters

Eulg eaters (scientific name: Evisehda Consumus) are land animals that appear as blue squares with smiley faces. They are named due to the fact that they often eat eulg. A group of eulg eaters is often called a grid.

An eulg eater about to go on a journey to eat some eulg

Sep 17, 2023, 3:08 PM
10 4 2
Sep 17, 2023, 3:30 PM
5 1 0

I’m sure that tree I just saw had a perfectly duck-shaped hole in the leaves

A grid of eulg eaters undergoing degridification, which is some kind of process that probably does something

A sad eulg eater after seeing all the eulg has already been eaten by a grid of eulg eaters

Eulg eaters (scientific name: Evisehda Consumus) are land animals that appear as blue squares with smiley faces. They are named due to the fact that they often eat eulg. A group of eulg eaters is often called a grid.

An eulg eater about to go on a journey to eat some eulg

Sep 17, 2023, 3:08 PM
10 4 2
Sep 17, 2023, 3:30 PM
5 1 0

I’m going to sleep so if there is any more eulg eater lore take care of it yourself

A sad eulg eater after seeing all the eulg has already been eaten by a grid of eulg eaters

Eulg eaters (scientific name: Evisehda Consumus) are land animals that appear as blue squares with smiley faces. They are named due to the fact that they often eat eulg. A group of eulg eaters is often called a grid.

An eulg eater about to go on a journey to eat some eulg

Sep 17, 2023, 3:08 PM
10 4 2
Sep 17, 2023, 3:30 PM
5 1 0

Eulg eaters (scientific name: Evisehda Consumus) are land animals that appear as blue squares with smiley faces. They are named due to the fact that they often eat eulg. A group of eulg eaters is often called a grid.

An eulg eater about to go on a journey to eat some eulg

Sep 17, 2023, 3:08 PM
10 4 2

Nighty morning, especially to the spider tryibg to sleep

I have it now, but I’m still deciding on which one of three things to do with it

Nighty morning