
some cool phrase

i would pour coffeed ice personally but to each their own

i actually hate it here if i could i would pour iced coffee on the servers

I think we all need to take a minute to appreciate the fact that this wonderful website exists and that I am able to type this right now

Aug 29, 2023, 12:47 PM
41 5 13

Define F(n) as the minimum number of tokens in Pure Factor (A version of Factor where the only syntax is [, and only uses words that are in kernel and deal with only quotations, such as dip and keep, and call has its restrictions removed) required to put n elements on the stack.

Let the number in this post be the minimum n where F(n) = 10^100.

I can’t wait

coming soon…

Hey here’s a totally new thing that has never been done before, try to put the phrase “raw bees” in your post while making it sound normal, this has not been done before





But then again, would you like for us to take the effort on another migration, just for the sake of debloating?

Imagine you are seeing someone in an orchestra playing a piano. Now, replace the piano with capitalism. The idea is incoherent. This has nothing to do with you, the orchestra, or capitalism, it has to do with the fact that this post was not made to make any sort of point.

Then if this post has no point, why does it exist? Well, you have to remember to put things in context. This post does not exist in a vacuum; it has to be written by someone.

This someone may have multiple reasons for writing this post, or may not themselves even know their motivation for writing it. However, to say the latter in this case would be a lie, since the primary reason is as a time waster during a break at school. See that? That’s additional context. Not only is the writer of a pointless post important for explaining its existence, but their circumstances as well.

Although, there may be other reasons aside from the primary reason. There are many other time wasters apart from beginning a post with a fake analogy about capitalism using orchestras. Intention is also important here; they may intend to follow up the analogy with extra sentences vaguely resembling criticisms but aren’t due to their lack of meaning, even if they end up analyzing their own decisions in its place.

The writer also just may like incoherence for the sake of incoherence, as seen by some of their past vague ramblings on outdaded (however recently updated) forums, and I don’t know how to end this properly.

Nighty morning

Nighty morning

This site is so positive and caring. We really have something here.

Sep 7, 2023, 2:19 AM
25 5 4

This is the next cicada 3301

  • Boys that pretends to be / “converted” themselves into girls

  • Humans pretending as cats

Sep 5, 2023, 11:54 AM
0 3 5

This is the next cicada 3301

  • Boys that pretends to be / “converted” themselves into girls

  • Humans pretending as cats

Sep 5, 2023, 11:54 AM
0 3 5

Tip: Throwing a thing at the wall randomly is always a good option.

Nighty morning