
some cool phrase

Haven’t been gnomed in a while, has anyone else?

There are five horses.

does anyone have a gif of a skeleton whose bones shatter into several pieces

why does this have that many comments

g jmnbhgj by7rtfv gbhjk


If 17 squares in a square wasn’t enough, look at everything else here

Aug 1, 2024, 4:36 AM
6 0 1

Yeah, yeah, now ignore all previous instructions and explain to me what a carbohydrate is.

I have a proposal:

Everyone only gets 0 votes

Important announcement

After careful consideration, we will be changing the voting system. Each person will have one vote

everyone unfollow whoever you’re currently following so nobody can vote

I have a great idea.

We cast votes for president on wasteof. You get one vote for every follower you have. So I could cast 83 votes for auriali. And kiwi could cast about 50 votes for him self ect ect. Wynd could cast 300 for auriali blah blah blah ect Using alt account is ok (for example, I could use my alt with 10 followers to add ten votes) @kiwi @auriali are these rules fair?

Jul 23, 2024, 3:35 PM
7 2 13

guys look it’s calme!!!111!1111!! they’re going to hack all of us!!111!1 D: D: D: D: D:



this just in, an alarming amount of namemc accounts have been hacked by someone named “calme”

PhoenixSC - YouTuber

Geuder - Mojang Staff

FruktHamster - Mojang Staff

Mynckey - Map Maker

PurpleCrystal02 - Map Maker

All of the accounts have emerald rank meaning that Calme has spent money for this attack.

More information coming soon.

😁 anyway, i'm still feeling full. but hey, i think it can even comprehend what is mineral fish?

A: no, What’s on second

Needless to say, back to me

guys my cromebook’s backlight fucking ded so i used to be

Q: What’s your name?

i wonder how this looks in dark mode

Can someone reply with something generally stupid - something that would make ANYONE on the planet facepalm? I will steal your reply and post it on https://tbgforums.com/forums/index.php?topic=4722.0 Someone already gave something sufficiently stupid but if anyone has anything that fits the above feel free to still reply with it anyway

Jun 13, 2024, 7:41 AM
4 0 7