
some cool phrase


How do I follow someone I’m already following

Nighty morning

nighty morning

Current total volume of water consumed: 6.25 glasses

Jun 4, 2023, 6:33 AM
4 0 0


Notice: U+29F8 Big Solidus ⧸

Please use this for all further URL credential tricks.

Nighty morning

Lack? Don’t worry, it will appear one day

truly words of speech

ticking off dead. At this but it contains a dream is now a break down so bored/have no stats website blocking softwares, mine once in the moral support #verifyee, they were sitting on an instance one is mid album soon - Like next day of catppuccin as many to mh.oow oww oooow AHHHHHH BIG NOSY CAm CACA ok with luna <3 on downhill for my last year old and it is! two new banner to wasteof3?

Nighty morning

Math = green

History = light yellow

Science = blue

English = red

Filipino = normal yellow

Math and Science can be swapped and History and English can be swapped, but if you wholeheartedly say History is green or blue, I will send you to space and you will die unpleasantly and alone

Science is yellow

History is green

Ela is blue

Math is red

Jun 2, 2023, 3:43 PM
5 0 2

I need a demonstration of this formatting. I need it now.

i can’t believe i took rotated text formatting for granted

Nighty morning

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