
some cool phrase

Fun fact: Pride month is not a palindrome (not to be confused with a parallelogram)

U+202E Right-to-Left Override is overrated

The best part of wasteof is that you can just tell everyone to put raw bees in their post for no reason and they just do it

Nighty morning

Challenge: put the phrase “raw bees” in a post while making it look normal

oh no pierre is gone again :(

nighty morning

Nighty morning

cylindrical object whose diameter is approximately the length of a pinky finger and whose height is approximately the maximum distance between the tip of a ring and index finger

May 26, 2023, 4:49 AM
2 0 2

Don’t you just hate it when you’re minding your own business then suddenly you have three rocks, one emitting alpha radiation, one emitting beta radiation, and one emitting gamma radation, and you are forced to decide which one to throw away, which one to keep in your pocket, and which one to hold in your hand?


this is going to be better than the png specification

the word “eggcorn”

that’s all i’m going to say, it’s up to you to research the rest

nighty morning

  1. Filtration

  2. Reabsorption

  3. Secretion

  4. Excretion