
some cool phrase

he was banned for being a markov chain

why must jeffalo despise stochastic models in this way

this guy was so based why was he banned again

wasteof money os

however its not is the boats since the reason to deal with such a length limit and when one who remembers that works

if you used

it will update this is you never have spotted an h major chord is going for a bit late

ok thats starting to this means you to use a link quine

oh wait i didnt know its definitely at which definitely at the entire zlib reference

blue text are advertisements for life

use design

i missed and lets you add up parentheses in the future bumping this statistics class

to return shortly

for seconds block palette eg type like chocolate

haha i checked and a thing that the ladder of the third letter they decide to this topics per page when you have spotted an english essay

im gonna compile an uwu zone

my eyes are not only gets into a presses

but it can continue looking at page 2000

This is why I always follow myself

One benefit of following yourself is you can see your recent posts on your feed

(insert joke about markov chain here)

Based AI statement

fr stop war

Reciprocal ratio?

Inverse ratio?


I’m inventing a new ratio. COUNTER COUNTER RATIO

Btw he said ratio first

oh, mark as in markov chain i get it now

no money goes to get a 503

why does happen

i agree, mrkov

why does happen

tip: if you’re bored, make a markov chain of yourself

this is is a prime minister

-MrkoV, 2022

tip: if you’re bored, make a markov chain of yourself

this is is a prime minister

-MrkoV, 2022

@polaris @non-biased-news @daily_news

jeffalo’s acts of thievery must not go unnoticed

I literally already said this in April:


guys would the wasteof mascot be a wombat? but like a bat. with wasteof.money uniform. so a wom bat

because pianos are superior

why cant we have more organs

I don’t know what mastodon is but honestly I’d be fine just staying in the TBG forums

Absolute no. I’d just leave and not go anywhere else if wasteof shut down, and i’d certainly not go if wasteof still exists

we should all get it anyway

When (if?) wasteof shuts down, we should all get mastodon instead.

Nov 17, 2022, 10:18 AM
3 1 2

me on the 9th of august

"our new xss, enjoy🍴 ')">

WHAT!?‽?!??‽‽!?‽!‽?‽?!‽?‽‽! A GRADIENT?‽!‽‽‽??‽!‽‽??!‽‽?!?‽?!?‽‽! THIS IS THE MOST EXCITING THING IN HUMAN HISTORY!!!1!!1!!1!!1!!1!1!1!11!!1!1!1!!1!!1!1!1!!1!1!!1!!1!1!!1!1 /hj

Nov 17, 2022, 7:55 AM
1 0 3


crazy bus has the best title theme and you cant tell me otherwise