
Known in the streets as the Quingus

@jeffalo hmu if you want any wasteof ui/logo help

Why do people use - in their names when the original isn't taken, like if your username is -Quimeksussy- and quimeksussy isn't taken why didn't you just use that

Hm interesting, burrito got instant clout when he posted a moai, but I would never do something to get more clou-


amazeballs is an actual word and it means spectacular

the more you know

It’s not a qui intro unless there’s one beat that’s totally off

turi ip ip ip

is it possible to get the beta and verified badge at the same time

I learned more from this than i did in my entire 3 years of english class

HEELLO EVERYONE TODEAY WE will be discussing the use of aaaaaaaaaaa in the new english language

it must be nice being able to open more than 1 tab without having your computer turn into a thermonuclear bomb

Signed, Quim (a chrome user)

i love firefox because you can make it work just the way you want it too for maximum efficiency while also being able to make it completely unusable by slapping every button known to man on the address bar

funny how one moment you can be completely fine listening to music then the next you’re sobbing over nastologic minecraft music

This is just me isnt it

Congrats @burritodesigns on 69 followers

70 now

it’s morbin’ time

hypothetically if i wanted to learn how to make a social media, what would the fastest way be to do that

hypothetically of course