did you triple click to get the full token?

still says that :/


run this code in your python shell

import requests,json;requests.post("https://api.wasteof.money/session", json={"username":"username here","password":"pwd here"}).json()

gave me same error :/

can I see your code?

It’s the exact same as yours, only i put my token in

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import requests
import json
quote = requests.get("https://api.breakingbadquotes.xyz/v1/quotes").json()[0]
author = quote["author"]
quote = quote["quote"]
authJson = {"Authorization": "[redacted] (029485729345872039456374)"}
post = requests.post("https://api.wasteof.money/posts", headers = authJson, json = {"post": f"<h2>{author}</h2> <p>{quote}</p>"})
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So yeah, i haven’t change it to harry potter or anything yet, just pasted my token, and that was the only change

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