
software developer, musician​, and artist


To make your day more dramatic, post a random news story with the title, “It begins.“

there's a chinese spy balloon flying over montana lol

Feb 4, 2023, 6:14 AM
5 1 2
Just got back from a robotics competition! My sister's team got 1st place but went downhill for the finals with bot problems. Once again I will not say the team number for privacy.

Fun fact: I got this one

The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts both offer merit badges in dog care.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

get this on trending :3

u mad im more of a y2k scene girl than youll ever be :3 >.<

I do not get why people like Y2K aesthetics, its just a pile of oversaturated colors with low quality models and lighting

Feb 2, 2023, 10:04 PM
4 0 2
update: imgbb is down, thats why it doesn't work.
happy times! catfacts, astronomy, and dogfacts are all broken and it isn't my fault. I might fix ot later.

oh, and

  • i’m actually commenting my code!!!

  • yay logs using pyEventLogger

to break the bit of radio silence of sparkshell:

  • it really hasn’t been in development for the past month

  • i am rewriting it to make use of mongodb and routing

  • i resumed developing yesterday

    • i added a regex for the username (basically wasteof’s but you can have uppercase chars because people got angry at me)

    • woo hoo email validation client and server side

  • joining mostly implemented, login is getting there

Jan 30, 2023, 7:37 PM
4 1 2

to break the bit of radio silence of sparkshell:

  • it really hasn’t been in development for the past month

  • i am rewriting it to make use of mongodb and routing

  • i resumed developing yesterday

    • i added a regex for the username (basically wasteof’s but you can have uppercase chars because people got angry at me)

    • woo hoo email validation client and server side

  • joining mostly implemented, login is getting there

Jan 30, 2023, 7:37 PM
4 1 2

I don’t do swears (if you start swearing, you might do drugs, and if you do drugs, you might start swearing)

I don’t do drugs (coffee bad)

i drank coffee for the first time once at like 2pm and stayed up till 3am. worst experience ever. don’t do caffiene.

i feel like the fact that my friends and i all have varying levels of a caffeine dependency is just a little tiny bit concerning lol

like i have the least already but i still have coffee once a week

I bought a game for my Playdate on Saturday. I've already played almost eight hours of it, and about an hour of that was me idling lol

Ooh pretty!

Comet ZTF over Mount Etna

Comet-like plumes are blowing over the volcanic peaks of Mount Etna in this wintry mountain-and-skyscape from planet Earth. The stacked and blended combination of individual exposures recorded during the cold night of January 23, also capture naked-eye Comet ZTF just above Etna's snowy slopes. Of course increasing sunlight and the solar wind are responsible for the comet's greenish coma and broad dusty tail. This weekend Comet ZTF is dashing across northern skies between north star Polaris and the Big Dipper. From a dark site you can only just spot it as a fuzzy patch though. That's still an impressive achievement if you consider you are gazing at a visitor from the distant Oort cloud with your own eyes. But binoculars or a small telescope will make for an even more enjoyable view of this Comet ZTF in the coming days. Comet ZTF Gallery: Notable Submissions to APOD

I have done some digging through a school google group for billing and found out that they spent $30,309 on Sophos Xstream Protection for XGS 4300 - 36 MOS - RENEWAL

My homeroom teacher then took me down to the tech guy and I told him what was public. I had a fun time digging through it and finding that they spent $12 on a domain for a school website that was just a redirect and other stuff with money. :c


talking pillow 🤨

Walter White

Alright, I've got the talking pillow now... Okay?

please stop making repost chains 🙄

Where did January go wtf