
software developer, musician​, and artist


To make your day more dramatic, post a random news story with the title, “It begins.“

oh, and you can also look at itch.io/tools/tag-playdate/
ahhhhhh! i guesstimate it will be a month and a half until i get my playdate. i want to get some games. my budget is ~$24. go look at itch.io/games/tag-playdate and find some games for me… i can't decide… just fit my budet though… i already bought the playdate community bundle games, so i dont need those… please…

Release my first thing on itch.io!

It’s a rickroll for the Playdate Console!


ever accidentally typed kkk in minecraft instead of kk and it censors it?? i've done it… hehe (it was accident )

I fixed the pinging issue with @repeater. It just made it replace @ with @ and a zero-width space.

I made a new bot… @repeater

Literally just say anything and it will reply with what you said. Literally useless but its cool lol.

Source: https://git.holy.how/randem13/repeaterbot/

Oct 6, 2022, 6:56 PM
5 2 5

the game ended at 43-0.

went to a football game for homecoming. i really only went there for the band and be with my friends tbh. saw a girl that i liked last school year. she is a cheerleader now ig. our team i think lost (left at halftime, it was 22-0 [we were the 0]).


we need to repeal the 13th amendment!!! /j/j
I am making a Jack-in-the-box for my Playdate. You use the crank and it plays the music and eventually it jumpscares you. I might upload a gif later of it.
went to a football game for homecoming. i really only went there for the band and be with my friends tbh. saw a girl that i liked last school year. she is a cheerleader now ig. our team i think lost (left at halftime, it was 22-0 [we were the 0]).

@willy is a great artist

ever just noclipped into the backrooms?
i have decided to rebrand wasteof.pd to wasteof.pdx. you probably don't get the refernce if y don't have a Playdate or develope for Playdate. also, no work has been done on it since i told yall about it because there is still not networking functionalty.
has anyone else bought a playdate console? play.date <---- you should buy one