
software developer, musician​, and artist


To make your day more dramatic, post a random news story with the title, “It begins.“

replit ghostwriter is pretty cool

me trying to understand my own login code?

who here still uses RSS feed like me? and also @micahlt your RSS does not work with kindle4rss.com.
algorithms are just functions, so regex is technically an algorithm :o this is sus

i should remove the inline html in my server code and use templates

malicious.life is a great podcast, I recommend you check it out.
something cool at fifty followers (for Sparklabs ofc)
1984 & Ready Player 1/2 are good books
and no, I am not depressed.
whyyyyyyy does life have to be so hard and confusing and happy and sad and depressing and exciting and why can't people just be nice to each other?? :(((
paidleaveproject.org <---- very cool website
encryption of tokens coming soon™®
who is @xyz on sparklabs
mfw on wasteof at 5:45

I could make an offer for the domain.. but that would cost at least $199 🥶

ahhhhhh! sparklabs.dev (my idea) is just a stupid VPN client.. should i rebrand or just think of a new name? i am kinda angry :((((