
The Tumblr sexyman in the basement

My “friend” told i.t. about all the unblocked games because i.t. would have taken his chromebook and now hes emailing everyone asking for their unblocked games, but everyone knows what he’s doing and no one is talking to him. He even got wasteof blocked at school so...

Sep 2, 2022, 8:24 AM
2 0 10

How would you describe yourself?

I’m the tumblr sexyman in the basment

Sep 1, 2022, 9:32 AM
1 0 0

What if where living in a simulation that’s in a simulation


No! I’m with the science team!

Next plan for the superflat world?

A pole at 69, 69, 69

(Will send screenies)

Aug 29, 2022, 8:32 AM
6 1 2

Here they are:

The first image is @chickenboy_23 s chicken (there are now 5 chickens there lol)

The second is the offering put in front of the dirt temple (next image)

The fourth image is a pint sheep I found and the next one is the room I made for it (next image)

The fifth image is inside my base and the last image shows almost everything (including broken mob farm)

Will send screenshot soon

I restarted my superflat survival world and making good progress!

Will send screenshot soon

I restarted my superflat survival world and making good progress!

Good morning wasteofians

If I ever come out of the toilet with tears in my eyes, don’t say: are you ok?

Say: it was a big one wasn’t it?

I restarted my superflat survival world and making good progress!

I ate a whole pack of twiggy sticks

I am now regretting my life decisions

I’m flying home tomorrow so @projm will give updates

EDIT: apparently not because they are banned?

Aug 19, 2022, 11:36 AM
2 0 0

Slurpees are good

(Lol hand reveal)