
The Tumblr sexyman in the basement

“Just do some candy” - Slider, 2022

Rest in peace techno

You will be missed 😭😩😞

How chobblesome is grian?


It's done! Everyone should switch as soon as possible from the APK version of @wasteofmobile to the Google Play version as soon as possible! If you'd like to repost this to spread awareness that's cool - if not, just download it 😄


Jun 29, 2022, 12:21 PM
27 9 31


Dont knock yourself out on school camp

Semester 2, here we come!

And we go make you loose your mind

everybody just have a good time

party rockers in the house tonight

Hehe funny story, so I read 5 chapters in my math text book the night before the exam and out teacher gives us a sheet with everything we need for the exam the nex day.

*sigh* 😵

Finished exams for the semester!!!


1 more exam to go!!!!!!

Its math :’( sadj

exam revision is annoying (especially when they count for 10% of the grade)

Happy birthday wasteof!!!

(It’s the 13th here but eh)

Pizza time.

(Tell me if you get the referance)