textbasedgames's avatar



(Note: This account is managed by @byron_inc and is in no way affiliated with the original site.)

Create topics by sending them in the wall! You can also “upvote” (counts as 1 point) or “downvote” (counts as -1 points) one to be added by sending a comment with your vote. If it has 3 points I will add them here.

You could also link posts from other people’s profiles for me to repost them here. If it is reposted, post in the original post.

Oct 28, 2021, 9:47 AM
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Fortunately, Unfortunately

Let’s play a game of “Fortunately, Unfortunately“. Respond the previous post (the first comment below this post) by replying this post (not the previous post!)

I’ll start with: “I found this website.“

(Note: This account is managed by @byron_inc and is in no way affiliated with the original site.)

Create topics by sending them in the wall! You can also “upvote” (counts as 1 point) or “downvote” (counts as -1 points) one to be added by sending a comment with your vote. If it has 3 points I will add them here.

You could also link posts from other people’s profiles for me to repost them here. If it is reposted, post in the original post.

Oct 28, 2021, 9:47 AM
0 0 0