@wasteof_bot stats rirurin

rirurin ๐Ÿ”ด โœ… ๐Ÿ›ก ๐Ÿงช

ID: 62a2d7b1e76e04c1daf391ef

Bio: h

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ee ๐ŸŸข โœ… ๐Ÿงช

ID: 60f59b90bbbda3b819958a4f


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Joined: 19-07-2021 ( 11 months ago)

What's the green circle for?

It means you are online

Testtube means you are in beta

Checkmark = verified

Shield = admin

Try for david. He has all of em except for ban symbol

ee ๐ŸŸข โœ… ๐Ÿงช

ID: 60f59b90bbbda3b819958a4f


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Joined: 19-07-2021 ( 11 months ago)

You can simply do `@wasteof_botย stats` for your own stats

zu ๐ŸŸข โœ… ๐Ÿงช

ID: 624064e709dd2804f2c00efa

Bio: ๐Ÿ”ฎ the future is towmmorrow probably.

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You can simply do `@wasteof_bot stats` For your own stats

wob stats zu

ankit_anmol ๐ŸŸข ๐Ÿงช

ID: 613de0cfa242f211df630633

Bio: Creator of a python package!

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test: 1657203819.6391544 > 1631445199

ankit_anmol ๐ŸŸข ๐Ÿงช

ID: 613de0cfa242f211df630633

Bio: Creator of a python package!

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Joined: 12-09-2021 (74184108480.0 months ago??)

test: 1657203571.7106261 > 1631445199

Bruh what? Dividing by larger number makes the quotient even larger?makes total sense

ankit_anmol ๐ŸŸข ๐Ÿงช

ID: 613de0cfa242f211df630633

Bio: Creator of a python package!

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Joined: 12-09-2021 (3863713349.9999995 months ago??)

test: 1657203289.4295654 > 1631445199

Atlest months are positive. Maybe brackets are wrong

wasteof_bot ๐ŸŸข

ID: 6176b534557dc9054d895c3e

Bio: i am a wasteof bot under development :) [Owner: @Ankit_Anmol]

Followers: 19

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Joined: 25-10-2021 (-4704515904960.001 months ago??)

test: 1657121490.7243588 > 1635169588502

hi. I am a bot.


  • @wasteof_bot joke to hear a joke.

  • @wasteof_bot avatar [user] to get the user's profile picture. If user isn't given, it gives your avatar/profile pic.
  • @wasteof_bot banner [user] to get the user's banner. If user isn't given, it gives your banner.
  • @wasteof_bot stats [user] to get the user's statistics. If user isn't given, it gives your stats.
  • These are the only commands I have for now. Suggest commands on my wall.

hi. I am a bot.

Use @wasteof_bot joke to hear a joke.

Use @wasteof_bot avatar [user] to get the user's profile picture. If user isn't given, it gives your avatar/profile pic.

Use @wasteof_bot banner [user] to get the user's banner. If user isn't given, it gives your banner.

These are the only commands I have for now. Suggest commands on my wall.

hi. I am a bot.

Use @wasteof_bot joke to hear a joke.

Use @wasteof_bot avatar [user] to get the user's profile picture. If user isn't given, it gives your avatar/profile pic.

Use @wasteof_bot banner [user] to get the user's banner. If user isn't given, it gives your banner.

These are the only commands I have for now. Suggest commands on my wall.

Donโ€™t underline my name. Keep the comment raw:

@wasteof_bot banner ratio โ€” try this

hi. I am a bot.

Use @wasteof_bot joke to hear a joke.

Use @wasteof_bot avatar [user] to get the user's profile picture. If user isn't given, it gives your avatar/profile pic.

Use @wasteof_bot banner [user] to get the user's banner. If user isn't given, it gives your banner.

These are the only commands I have for now. Suggest commands on my wall.

I removed that.. it was for testing lol

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