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Me when Wynd is online

I’m online a decent amount lol

why did you follow me?

my goal is to follow everyone

thx for it tho

test: wasteof.time

neat it recognizes tlds

more tests:


Wait so how do accounts work if there is no password

Glad you asked! Each account has a different “session” that is saved in your local browser data, along with the username. When you enter the website, the API checks if your username matches with your session. You cannot actually see that session because the only time your browser will actually receive it is when you sign up, so that it can be saved in your local browser data.

So I can’t sign on from anything but the built in discord browser now?

Am I only able to sign on with the device+browser I made the account with?

well, yes, but i am planning to create a token feature where you can generate a key for your account that you can use to log in from other devices

Ok that’s good

Uhh, that sounds bad. Accounts could very easily be lost and it sounds like there’s one token that can be used, meaning if the token is stolen that person has full access over their account. I would recommend just using normal accounts and also having a token pair, one for accessing the site that expires after a short amount of time and one that refreshes the session with a different token, also detect token re-use and all of that.

This was a conversation about a website that doesn’t seem to exist anymore

Were you talking about Bundle or some other site?

riverbox, it was like bundle but before

i legit have no idea about what i was talking about here. Your password and username were saved in localStorage and that was basically the entire auth system. Bundle uses a better system now

what does wynd mean?

Me I believe

When someone's online

Oh I just saw u where online

WYND you featured the wrong David, although it is still me, it is not me

I had you there the first time along with the other David, but didn’t save, so I must’ve forgot you the second time

Also rip your profile buttons, maybe use js link or something

Yh rip my profile buttons, it is a beta so hopefully there will be a change

What does your name stand for?


Umm wynd = exactly??

Wasteof @Y Never Dies

if you follow 1,000 people i will let you choose my profile pic

Wait for real?

No I mean I’ll try to do that now, I’m not betting money

oh so i get my money back?

Not the money you wasted here

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do you truly dislike my comments on your posts that much?

You know what I dislike? Not having a McDonald’s happy meal, now only €2.99 + tax, available at McDonald’s near you!

I wouldn’t like that either. But you know what I’d hate even more? Not having a 20 piece McNugget for only $5.00 at your local McDonald’s or associated delivery app!

duck is cool

+100 social credits

Are you a boy or a girl? (If you don't want to tell me its fine)

lol I get this a lot, id say nonbinary or something idk honestly, use any pronouns ya want for me

Heya, how are you? Nice your on here too.

Hey, yeah, I’ve been here for awhile now. I’m doing pretty good, what about you?

I can see that, you seem to have plenty of followers :) Its a cool community, very friendly and excepting. That’s good to hear, i’m alright. Doing plenty of music. What hobbies do you get up too these days?

lots of js code and stuff, but also lots of singing and guitar

Thats fantastic! :) You should share some

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