Yo 300 following!!!!! thx everyone 4 existing‮

@wynD wollof

Oct 21, 2021, 5:21 PM
2 0 9

Reactions would be a cool update, maybe just for messages tho, not posts

Someday this website will bypass twitter and reddit; its just fax.

post editing? Nice

Sep 28, 2021, 12:04 AM
1 0 2
Ascii Tree

Follow @wynd for a cookie, also hello

“Life is fork, I am knife >=3”


Heyo, @jeffalo, mind unblocking me from the explore page? I’m the real #2. Plssssssssssssss

#2 on the Platform, thanks for all the support everyone!!!!!

Shoutout to @willy :D

ayy I got the most following, also @autof4f this is my site, so im going to have to kindy ask you to Leave forever :3. k thats all, bye

Can’t wait for the homepage update whenever that’s coming out :3

Jeffalo updates this site more than the st updates theirs, and as an added bonus, Jeff adds stuff that’s actually good

Yay I’m verified, thx jeffalo