
chat, fact check this statement


Important announcement

After careful consideration, we will be changing the voting system. Each person will have one vote

this is the most corrupt system, and i’m all for it

that being said i put all of my votes towards auriali

I have a great idea.

We cast votes for president on wasteof. You get one vote for every follower you have. So I could cast 83 votes for auriali. And kiwi could cast about 50 votes for him self ect ect. Wynd could cast 300 for auriali blah blah blah ect Using alt account is ok (for example, I could use my alt with 10 followers to add ten votes) @kiwi @auriali are these rules fair?

Jul 23, 2024, 3:35 PM
7 2 13

thank you all for your support,

due to it we have gained enough traction to become the third most followed user

#timetogetserious #electauriali2024

it’s time to get serious chat

i don’t normally get political but i will be voting for @auriali and i strongly advise for my followers to as well, even if you don’t live in the us

so apparently Biden just dropped out

4 things in one post to increase retention and monetization so i stop wasting money:

  1. inside out 2 is a really good movie i was not expecting that from a sequel

  2. elysia is awesome when do we get a wasteof2api rewrite in elysia

  3. i am learning how to use drizzle with postgres and it’s really interesting

  4. if you have apple music i highly recommend the cider app for using it on your pc with a nice ui

aint no way that the first result on google for Beethoven (the composer) is riddled with AI (undisclosed too) and it hurts to see. to add insult to injury the first thing you see in the results is a poorly ai generated picture of him. oh no

sources: lvbeethoven.com, google.com/search?q=beethoven

where i found out about this: x.com/FacebookAIslop/status/1813670855286866408

Jul 18, 2024, 8:53 PM
7 0 3

guys i made a fake jquery for wasteof api syntax and graham thinks i should make it real… are we doing this, chat?

guys i made a fake jquery for wasteof api syntax and graham thinks i should make it real… are we doing this, chat?

new faceos game, things just got real


@earthdevs pls fix

why the hell do spiders seem to just spawn in the bathroom right when you try to take a shower

fun fact: the iconic wasteof “Write something …“ is just the default placeholder text for tiptap’s placeholder extension which explains why is capitalized 🥶

now that i absolutely exposed this, jeffalo should change it to “waste something …

i think i have a problem where i like making my websites not require client side javascript to work, and instead using strange css and forms to achieve everything

wasteof being designed by a cute enby femboy perfectly encapsulates this website