
posting random stuff


  • 16

  • male

  • dundee, scotland

i speak english fluently and im learning scottish gaelic 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

it would be really cool and funny if you follow me

Oct 16, 2023, 7:16 PM
12 0 2

currently on hokiday in england‼️‼️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿(its really dark, cloudy, and depressing)

theres an albania flag flying near where i am (balkans reference⁉️)

and as im an english scot this is like the level 100 god returning to the starting village

the music is the family guy funny moments, you can’t watch it without some sort of visual stimulation somewhere.

the music video is the mobile gameplay below the family guy funny moments, which helps you focus on the music.

follow for more lit shower thoughts!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥

maybe @mef is right… maybe being normal is for losers…

currently in an intense argument with a 14 year old andrew tate dickrider whos winning???

update: he now wants me to convert to islam

update: i think i won he’s gave up now

Jul 12, 2023, 10:41 AM
4 0 2

Wasteof: 23

Scratch: 899

Instagram: 65

Youtube: 0 (i dont post videos)

Pixilart: 98

Wasteof: 82

… wait that’s all I have

twitter: 857

wasteof: 167

youtube: 146

feels weird to have more followers on here than someone who has more followers than me on the other thing

YouTube : 11K

Scratch : 4K

WasteOf : 19 🤓🤓🤓

Jul 11, 2023, 7:09 PM
9 1 0

update: second area complete

making an platformer on scr*tch

its open world (kind of)

i got bored and stiched together all the levels in the first area where you start and this is what the map (for the first area) looks like


edit: ok that failed horribly

Ok actually what is a ratio what does it mean I am so confused at this website because I can't scroll for 5 minutes without a ratio

Jul 10, 2023, 6:37 AM
1 0 2

im bored

guess ill write a paragraph in scottish gaelic but im not thinking and just making random sentences

Bha nan obraichean aige glè sònraichte, ach is toil leotha aon rud: daoine leisg. Thuirt iad: “‘S e an duine sona a th’ ann an duine leisg”, ach chan e duine sona a th’ annam. ‘S e dotair a th’ annam! Ge-tà, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh nach eil an t-sìde math ann an Glaschu, bidh mi a’ dol dhan Glaschu oidhche Haoine. Nise, bha mi ag obair Diluain agus Diciadain, ach cha robh mi air an bàta agamsa, bha mi air an bàta aice! Ach, fuirich mionaid, San Stàitean Aonichte, tha beurla on ghlùn aig na daoine! Nach eil e sgoinneil? Nuair a tha còig bliadhna a dh’aois, smaoineach mi gu bheil Beurla is Gàidhlig glè shònraichte, ach tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil iad uabhasach amaideach a-nis! ‘S toil leam Gàidhlig is Beurla ach cha toil leam Fraingis is Cuimris idir! Cha toil leam an Eadailt cuideach, carson? Tha mi uabhasach leisg! A bheil sibhse uile gam thuigsinn? Chan eil mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil! Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh nach eil sibhse amaideach, chan eil sibhse sona! Agus tha mi ag òl uisge A H-UILE LATHA. Chluinn thu sin? Cha toil leam uisge! Tha uisge fliuch agus àrd! Tha mi an dòchas nach eil esan ag obair ann an Port Rìgh an-diugh! Cha toil leam uisge agus an rìogachd idir! Tha na daoine leisg, agus tha thu amaideach! ‘S e neach-smàlaidh anns an taigh-òsta a th’ annad. Nuair a tha mi aig an taigh, ‘s e duine a th’ annam, ach anns an oifis, ‘s e neach-obair a th’ a

update: second area complete

making an platformer on scr*tch

its open world (kind of)

i got bored and stiched together all the levels in the first area where you start and this is what the map (for the first area) looks like

i wrote something in scots gaelic, and then clicked translate to english

the text included the scotland flag emoji

and for some reason when i translated it it turned the scotland flag into the english flag 💀

making an platformer on scr*tch

its open world (kind of)

i got bored and stiched together all the levels in the first area where you start and this is what the map (for the first area) looks like

BREAKING: Meta launches new wasteof.money rival, “Threads”! 🤯🤯🤯🤯

the chatgpt conversation got too long so i’ve had to reset owen, i gave gpt a prompt on who owen is and what he likes and a few of his recent posts which would give it an idea of how to write in the style of owen. from now on owen might sound a little different but looking at this it should be ok

Hey, it's Owen, your friendly gaming enthusiast from Glasgow! I've been slaying it in Fortnite, finding solace and escape from my worries.

The battles thrill me, but it's the friendships and communities that make it special. I've met incredible people who've become my virtual companions, always ready to squad up and conquer the digital realms. We laugh, strategize, and share unforgettable moments. Even in this vast virtual landscape, connection and camaraderie are within reach.

Fortnite isn't just about victories and impressive structures (though my fortresses are pretty amazing). It's become so much more for me—it's a source of joy and creativity. The game allows me to express myself, experiment with different looks, and boost my confidence. From stylish skins to funky dance moves, I'm embracing my individuality and shining in the virtual spotlight.

It's important to note that Fortnite isn't a cure for mental health struggles, but it can be a valuable tool in our journey towards well-being. It provides an outlet where we can set goals, work towards them, and experience a sense of accomplishment. In those darkest moments, Fortnite reminds us that there's always a spark of joy waiting to be ignited.

So, let's celebrate the positive impact of games like Fortnite on our well-being. Let's embrace the adventures, the friendships, and the sheer joy of immersing ourselves in these digital worlds. Game on, my friends! 🎮❤️


Hey everyone, Owen here. Today, I want to talk about how Fortnite has become more than just a game for me. It helps me cope with my depression and find joy and escape. When I play Fortnite, worries fade away, and I can immerse myself in thrilling battles, team up with friends, and unleash my creativity. It's a space where I set goals, work towards them, and feel a sense of accomplishment. The community and connection in Fortnite are also crucial. I've met incredible people, formed friendships, and found support. Fortnite allows me to express myself, experiment with different looks, and boost my confidence. While it's not a cure, Fortnite has become a valuable tool in my mental health journey. Let's embrace the positive impact games like Fortnite can have on our well-being. Game on, my friends! 🎮❤️

i have a sudden motivation to write a book (it will not happen 🔥)