
I'm zu :]

also lanky verified when

What if yellow zu

but also og verified when

zu verified when?

May 19, 2022, 4:53 PM
6 2 0

follow lanky rn

Yo @ee your bots gone nuts


Petition for jeffalo to add reactions to wasteof

@jeffalo upside down font glitches on the beta :(

As seen here https://beta.wasteof.money/posts/6279ad59f0e2eb40d5cdc757

Check the replies of this post

May 14, 2022, 3:05 PM
2 0 6

Rice is good

I'm eating it right now 🍚

had a fun chat with jeffalo and @david and a BUNCH of other people the other day :P

jeffalo has epic wasteof banner powers

and he gave me beta on this chat :P

Hey @jeffalo the radi8 banner mode looks like cinematic mode on riverbox you should add it lol

Posting this from the beta yay

Thanks to @vigilante_esports

for getting me onto the top users page ♥️

May 10, 2022, 2:08 PM
5 0 5


I have an upside down name

Klaatu’s a pretty cool band