
I'm zu :]

On the weekend I'm playing football ⚽ for the first time in a bit wbu?

Also follow I'm only iike 4 follows away from top user list❤️

May 7, 2022, 10:05 AM
11 2 7

Chrome extensions don’t allow inline functions but they allow IFRAMES with inline functions 🤔

I'm so close to top users page guys

Follow so the cow is happy 🐮

Studio ghibli has the greatest movie

Soundtracks ever. Their music's just so relaxing 😌


What if for wasteof3 you used an emoji pack with the black outline that all the wasteof3 things have?

Wait my embed suggestion is a thing in wasteof 3 😯

You can embed videos on the sidebar

I don't know how much it's been implemented as I'm not a beta tester but if any beta testers can beta test this pls tell me

Apr 27, 2022, 12:24 PM
9 0 4

Hey @micahlt I found a wasteof.mobile glitch

Recently I changed my PFP and it hasn't updated on wasteof.mobile

Anyway yeah

nope definitely not

I haven’t accidentally made a class pyramid scheme of people joining wasteof

nope definitely not

no sir

This is not a pyramid scheme

Apr 25, 2022, 5:36 PM
12 0 0

Today is MONDAY



@jeffalo idea:

Waste of home page should sometimes display random new posts from people you don't follow so you can discover new people more easily (rn it's hard to find people)

Edit: a whole other page with new posts (thanks @ee)

Apr 23, 2022, 11:37 PM
15 1 7

But then a giant hand reached for you and a monster devoured you.

When it's the weekend but there's nothing to do 😞

I can't believe we made it 30 follows ❤️ 🎉

Tysm now let's try to get on top users page