
I'm zu :]

I have so much stuff to do in school 😤😞

Pfp by the willy

@willy with the furry new pfp 🐱

LMAO @oren IT 404S NOW :P

Sep 28, 2022, 5:25 PM
4 0 10

https://beta.wasteof.money/__data.json either shows recent posts or shows your feed idk

Edit: someone made an acc called __data and now it 404s hahaha

Sep 28, 2022, 5:14 PM
4 0 12

I can't help but notice jeffalo is following @bobcat0701 and bobcat is banned.

Not sure what's going on here lol

@rgantzos with a fire new pfp 😮

Sep 27, 2022, 1:35 PM
6 0 2

They checking homework (I did it but will I be able to find it in my binder?) 😧

I keep getting logged out of the beta wasteof rn and idk why like literally 10 times in the past 3 minutes

Fun fact beta.wasteof.money/api returns a 404 however wasteof.money/api takes us to wynd and Willy's alt

Bro I'm so on edge with the Hans and Magnus drama

MCC island with Didi is fun

edit: guys this is the second time you have ratiod someone for no reason stooop

mcc island with @zu is very fun

Sep 18, 2022, 3:10 PM
4 0 0

‘Don’t Hug Me, I’m Scared’ is a masterpiece.

Who would've thunk it

i don’t know about you guys, but personally i think

Sep 12, 2022, 7:00 PM
6 1 2