
I'm zu :]

omg I cant upload the gif anywhere because its too big -.- im just gonna have to upload a yt video sometime soon sorry guys

It only loaded to 14% 😑 delayed again

guys a simple pack showcase is today but its taking forever to upload so it might be late

anyway lets hope it actually uploads in time

nvm I think

Aug 16, 2022, 7:14 PM
5 0 2

Aro moment

Texture pack preview tomorrow be there or be a square lemon (as usual)

o7 cya @ari

I'm not sure why she left out of the blue tho it's kinda weird she was active a lot today and then just left

texture pack progress showcase soon!

Guys @fbi is following me 😬

My flight is delayed and so we are missing our connection flight :(

Haha I glitched the YouTube video thing

I must get my hands on one of these playdate console thingys

A few more days on vacation…

After I will update you on the mc pack

Why is everyone pretending to get hacked?

I'm so confused