Thanks for 20 followers! Thought I’d catch up on some of the past few days’ news.
@daily_news has started the daily pfp, today’s is an orange!
@micahlt got verified.
@micahlt is in the process of creating an android app for wasteof.
@theawesome98 is also in the process of creating an iOS app for wasteof.
Top Posts:
@jeffalo’s has an edit button (wasteof supremacy):
@burritodesigns’ cool things that happened today:
@micahlt’s may or may not be making a wasteof android app:
@mcnugget’s pineapple on pizza is a culinary masterpiece:
A few special shoutouts:
hey, if that link is public i’d be happy to announce it here, pretty big thing.
I can for sure give it to you! It's not ready yet, but I'll shoot you a message when it is.
I’ve got the APK out now!