i released a new wasteof.money feature today.

first one to find it gets a profile button!


L + bozo + ratio + no maidens + scurvy + plundered your gold

I found it be accident yesterday and thought it was there forever

i asked for this so long ago, thank you so much

darn im too late

Found it! You can now sort trending by day instead of just month, week, or all time!

what should your button be?

tf i noticed that 5 minutes ago and thought that has been there for months

Maybe a link to https://github.com/micahlt/wasteof.mobile? If you’d prefer not to advertise that here then just a link to micahlindley.com

done :) i chose micahlindley.com because it makes more sense on a profile.

Awesome :) thank you so much! I’ll be adding the ability to sort by date to wasteof.mobile soon :P

i can’t find it. i checked every known page (including wasteof.money/chat) and there is nothing. sure you commited your changes?

only thing i can find is the text “Available authentication methods:” which is empty

you need to “explore” more to find the update 😉

so the explore page huh

ok i need another hint, but before, idk if this is a bug or a feature, but when you input nothing in the search box and click users it brings up null. does the feature have to be accessed by console or some other coding crap that im no good at?