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or months

or maybe i’ll never finish it

how much is done already?

i started yesterday, and so far i’ve implemented a few colour schemes (but no dark mode, yet) and some basic authentication. alongside very basic profiles (username, bio, every single post) and a homepage with a feed of every post on the site.

if this site gets finished, it’ll coexist with the old site until i reach 1:1 feature parity. most likely, some parts (like the stupidly complex authentication and message systems) will be dropped in favour of simpler things.

since this is full sveltekit and i’m using page endpoints, this might mean the old api will become a standalone bot api. i do not know yet!

still not sure.

I am curious - what's your motivation for moving to Svelte? Were you encountering issues with Vue or Nuxt? Or just felt like Svelte would be easier to work with?

the wasteof2 nuxt app takes forever to start, and is currently in dependency hell (something like 30 security issues, but if i update my deps, the whole thing falls apart)

i’m also working on another big project in sveltekit, but i started that early on, before some newer features, so i’m rewriting wasteof in sveltekit to learn how those work (it’s harder to migrate my existing code than to just start from scratch)

since i’m rewriting the whole thing anyway, i’m also going to work on a new visual identity for the site, but it could go pretty badly, so we’ll see. :P

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