Anyone have any suggestions for extensions and stuff to get?

Today I got vscode for the first time. Before I did all my coding on replit. I love it so far


From memory this is all I’ve got right now:

  • Copilot

  • Fluent theme

  • EJS development extension

  • Java development extension

  • GLSL development extension

Heck yeah, here’s my list:

  • Dracula Theme - a super awesome dark theme with excellent syntax highlighting

  • or Shades of Purple - a more colorful dark theme - heavy on lavender and yellow

  • Prettier - super fast code formatter

  • Markdown All In One - live preview and support for Markdown files

  • Vetur - really good Vue devtools in VSCode

  • Github Repository Manager - quickly clone GitHub repos from multiple accounts or organizations

  • Color Picker - nuff said, you gotta have it

  • Box Shadow - really useful CSS shadow creator

  • Search node_modules - quicker than browsing through the explorer