I don’t know about you guys, but I know that Scratch has played a massive role in my life and my path to becoming a web developer. It even influenced my choice of colleges and degrees. Heck, I even became a Christian as the result of a Scratch project that someone shared. As flawed as Scratch is, it’s still an amazing platform and I’d highly recommend donating in honor of the fifteenth anniversary to support the next generation of social programmers 😊


scratch is shit

ok so what your saying is is that scratch converted your religion?

In a way, yes! There were several other things going on IRL that helped influence me, but it was a Scratch project that was really the catalyst.

The concept and design of Scratch is great (except for a few areas) though the community is absolutely mind numbing.

I’d love to hear the story of how you became a Christian… It sounds very interesting.

I’ll tell you sometime :)

I want to hear it too

that’s a good idea!

I’ve been meaning to donate to Scratch for years, but I’m just now getting around to it 😳

Donate to Microsoft Inc. NOW.

how much did you donate? ngl i’m too young to donate anything to anyone — since my parents said they won’t get me a paypal until i’m 16

I just donated like 5 bucks if I remember correctly

i don’t have an online bank account lol — so i just carry cash on me, i don’t get paid virtually