Japanese time format makes more sense than the uk/america one

PM 0:00 means midday, makes more sense than 12:00 PM imo

24 hour time is still best


24 hour time supremacy

the one im familiar with is 00:00 when right after midnight and goes all 24 hrs

My dad uses 24 hr time on all his devices so i know how to read it. I think 12 hr is best though

sorry, but it’s not uk/america time, it’s the 12 hour clock and it’s used in Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Colombia, Egypt, El Salvador, Honduras, India, Ireland, Jordan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia and U.S. every single one of these countries knows that the 24 hour clock is better, but they can’t switch, because the entire population already uses the 12 hour clock.

I know it’s 12 hour format but I phrased it badly