Okay so umm how do you show and hide the navbar text/icons based on screen size in just CSS? here is the navbar stuff kinda:

<a href="/" class="desktop">Home</a>
<a href="/" class="mobile">insert icon here</a>

how to I show the mobile one and hide the desktop one and the other way around for desktop?

Nov 9, 2022, 4:36 AM
2 1 11



oh right i misread it, yeah you want media queries

why did you make random note, plez delete as I can not

in the website with the stuff I found

I was talking about the storage website

Use media queries

Um so Smth like this (assuming 800px is min desktop width)

.mobile, .desktop {
  display: hidden;

@media screen and (max-width: 800px) { /* this  checks for small screens=mobile. So apply mobile style. */
  .mobile {
    display: inline; /*default for <a> tag*/

/* make another media query but with min-width: 800px for showing desktop elements */