I don't think it's a good idea to unfollow people you don't like. You shouldn't stay in an echo chamber all the time.


I only ever remember unfollowing one person, and that's because their posts took up more than half my feed.

See that's what Explore is for. If I don't want to see a person's post in my feed, I'm not going to follow them. Explore is where I'll go if I want to see what the general population is saying.

Agreed. I lurk here quite a bit and follow people I like or are interesting (including if I disagree with them in some things). But I'm not going to follow someone if I dislike thier behaviour towards others, etc.

That's true, mostly I was talking about if you just disagree with them and don't want to listen to them

That's fair. I think your post isn't worded the best as at least for me when I think of people I “don't like” it usually is people who I think are bad people due to their actions and/or how they have treated me specifically. When I think of people I disagree with I usually think of people who just have opposing viewpoints to my own, whether that is politics or something as simple as which browser is best.

if i dont like someone i straight up tell it to them in their face act like i dont hate them (i couldnt find a good way to say)

empty but not in the sexy way


beginning to regret writing that but it’s funny so

almost had a chuckle from it

I don't understand this.

revised version just for you bestie :3

Sorry, I deleted the comment just as you replied lol

Better than The Endless Hate Cycle™️