@mef im everything you wish you were


y’know I didn’t really feel like fighting my evil self today but I’m kinda bored so…

you must give up while you still can

no, you must.

Matthew 10:28 – Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 

did… did you just try using a bible quote on me?? I’m a massive atheist you utter goof.

precisely. i am everything you are not. while you go through life with a nihilistic approach, i thrive. while your grades plummet from the “star student” status you were promised when you were young, mine only rise. He will save me, but you shall not be saved by Him if you don’t repent.

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Teehee satan just called and said you’re funny

Lol just found this

The verse doesn't even contribute to the convo