Another cracking ratio again mate

Seriously though just stop, you’re just embarrasing yourself now with all these failed ratios lmao

ratio, that has nothing to do with this

nice ratio mate

ratio homophobe

Bro stop calling people trolls. If there is a troll, report the post and move on.

@/esben has to be a troll

Mar 26, 2023, 6:48 PM
11 2 0
Mar 27, 2023, 2:23 PM
10 1 6


if you can’t realise what’s wrong with what you’re saying then i can’t help you, i’m sorry

that’s fine, didn’t ask for your help and what have I said wrong? You being a hypocrite?

that it’s fine to make fun of a completely harmless account but not of one that said something really quite offensive about queers? who’s the hypocrite here, me or you?

me* fucking russian keyboard