how is this so hard to comprehend for so many? the reason sites like twitter are such hellscapes is because of constant, neverending and pointless arguements that never actually result in a solution, agreement or concessions regardless of what anyone says. it isn’t “debate” when everyone is metaphorically slinging mud at each other, its just a online shouting match on who can dish out the sickest roasts or get a ratio. so please, just be quiet guys.

All these site arguments about transgender people and homosexuality are pointless this is literally


the problem with twitter is seeping into wasteof, but eh, it always was going to

i mean its not entirely surprising, but the issue with twitter mainly stems from what its intended use is which is discussion of politics and news in general - that always ends in pointless fighting since the internet is so black and white when it comes to situations. wasteof for the most part is more for just random stuff people feel like talking about, not usually politics/controversial topics.

exactly bro like no one is gonna change their opinions or beliefs based on the internet

i mean… not necessarily

i guess it depends on the person and the opinion but i feel like that’s over generalizing

to clarify not saying that civilised discourse/debate on the internet is impossible or anything. my main point is that debates on social media usually but not always revolve around scoring brownie points and likes rather than furthering understanding on each others views. but of course it is still possible to have proper, decent discussions on contentious topics online, its just not the norm nowadays.

done complaining now. gonna go back to talking about random goofy stuff like the silly goober i am.