I can’t act like I do irl on this site because everyone hates it. Like, even when I’m asking for clarification, people think i’m trying to start a flame war.

I’m just a curious person, and when something seems weird or off, I call it out. Is that not allowed?

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it’s hard for me because some people (i’m just gonna say it. ally is one of them) aren’t willing to consider that I could possibly be right. This, obviously, makes me act different to them. But I try.

And of course it’s not all their fault. I do a lot of wrong things. I need to work on not being such a teenager (aka not be so inclined to try to prove someone wrong/make fun of them).

Then yes, that’s their problem if a person is completely unopen to the idea that you’re correct. Both sides are entitled to the possibility of being “right”. But an argument shouldn’t be based around that, it should be about reaching an understanding. Rather than either side proving the other wrong, there should be no “wrong” or “right”; there should only be “what I think” and “what you think” and seeing what parts you agree/disagree with or have in common.

Because if neither side thinks they’re wrong, nothing is being done if both sides are trying to prove the other wrong. Because neither will budge.

this needs to be understood by several users I know of

Yea, I hope people in general understand that

There is just this idea that traditional arguments have any value, which in most cases, they don’t. Both sides are just barking at each other and both sides are afraid of being wrong, so they never surrender. You can’t convince someone they’re wrong, you can only persuade them to accept that you’re right. But that’s their choice. And placing significance in what others do rather than what you have control over ends up with frustration.

I disengage from any places that I don’t have any real power in, because it’s fruitless to indulge in something I have no control over.

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