For anyone unaware, Bard generates 3 different responses for each query, here are the other 2 it spat out lol

AI Writes My Daily Posts: Day 4/7

Day 4: Google Bard

Prompt: "Write a shower thought for a social media post."

Response: We spend so much time in the shower, yet we never really think about it. We just stand there, letting the water wash over us, and our minds wander. We think about our day, our plans for the future, or we just zone out completely. But what if we could use our time in the shower to be more productive? What if we could use it to learn something new, or to come up with new ideas?

The next time you're in the shower, take a few minutes to focus on something other than your day-to-day worries. Listen to a podcast, read an article, or just think about something that you've been wanting to learn more about. You might be surprised at how much you can accomplish in just a few minutes.

(thanks @da-ta for putting this prompt in for me since I don't have access to Bard)
