Independent fact checkers say this is false

Food hot take 5: Spice isn’t that great. It doesn’t have a flavour and it just overpowers the actual flavour of other stuff.

This is why buffalo sauce sucks.


Other independent fact checkers say that this fact checking is false.

we need community notes on

eh, I think the comments do well enough

oh dear goodness please no

wouldn’t that probably be biased because there would not be a large enough sample size? because this site has so few active users, it might render community notes statistically pointless. Unlike Twitter’s community notes, which could be biased for a different reason: only people who want to work for Elon for free (they are basically his moderators now) and presumably would like him/agree with him, will be motivated to participate.

In my experience, community notes on Twitter have been very fair. For example, they dunk on Elon all the time.

I’ve seen many instances where the type of context can be biased, such as when unnecessary context is added. For example, when Joe Biden tweeted that he wouldn’t apologize for being the most pro-union president, context was added saying that he blocked a railroad union from striking.

Adding a true statement that is irrelevant to the point of the tweet serves no purpose except as an unneeded retort. I disagree with Joe Biden on a lot of things, but this type of context unfairly targets sources on the left. If community notes focus on retorts/spite, they are nitpicking opinions and ignoring actual lies/untrue statements within tweets. Maybe you can prove me wrong, but this kind of useless note seems to target the left more often.

Look at the helpful community notes Twitter account. I think they target both sides about evenly. I think there might be a slight bias against left-wing stuff, but even if that's true, it still is a lot more fair than anything else I've seen for combating misinformation

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dang, i was gonna say that…