just felt a need to clarify that i do not (or no longer) hate anyone that i have ever reposted or commented on with some sort of dumb hate. there is only ONE dude on this platform that i truly hate and i will never give him the satisfaction of fighting with him !! remember to always spread love and avoid losers


is it trump

ay bro keep that on the down low okay? only me and you saw this, but yes

I feel like I know who it is

you probably do (it’s not you you’re great ❤️)

thanks bro 🧡

good positive message, but why do you truly hate this one person?

never has anything good to say, constantly causing drama

who is this person

is it me?

YOU!! (kidding)

wow incredible timing. i fight with u all the time of course it isn’t you. or oren

yeah, it can’t be mef because it’s me

YES!!!!!! ARGH!!!!! (No <3)