I was just awoken by an icy chill, with 2 mortals next to me.

One was meditating and the other was praying to the Nature God.

The icy chills crawled down my spine.

Then, the 2 mortals asked me a question: “Do you know the secrets of yoga vapes?”

I replied with “shut the fuck up”

The mortals went away.

I am always ready to breathe air.


this made me laugh because the us government is now running anti-vape ads on spotify, some social media sites and mobile games

They should just ban them then, but yeah money > citizens health

as they should! 😅

Remember, no matter how hard life get’s, no matter how much pain you feel. You my friend, do not rely on flavoured air, to get you through the day

sparkling water and steam trains are the heart and soul of the earth.

sparkling water is dangerous, it’s easy to get addicted to cause it’s so good

Sparkling water is the carrots and peas to the Sunday roast of a good life?