Here is a side hustle idea for you guys. All you need is 1 partner, a phone/camera, and a empty cardboard box. The plan is this: Walk around a busy place with your partner pretending to film you, then go up to someone and say “Would you like to buy this mystery box for $10!?!” With enthusiasm. It’s simple, they will obviously assume there is like $100, or like, a ps5 or airpods, or a iphone. Because of the popular genre of tik tok/yt-shorts. Once they buy it, simply say “Ohhh there is nothing in it, better luck next time” And walk away with a smirk on your face, because you my friend, are now $10 richer.


Unethical. Understandable. Undeniably genius.

i’m literally doing that tomorrow, i’m going downtown with my e-bike and bringing a box

Tell me how it goes!!!

some guy was driving at 40 miles per hour in downtown, and they almost ran into someone, then they got out and got into a fight, so i had to leave ☠️☠︎

that sound so real ☠

Tbh, this isn’t a bad idea

Lol why did this stupid idea get 1st on trending for weekly

This is the kind of quality content I come here for

Why thank you