According to public consensus:

  • Math is red (7 votes)

  • Science is green (6 votes)

  • English is yellow (4 votes)

  • History is yellow, tied with red (2 votes)

Jun 2, 2023, 8:23 PM
7 0 39


All of these are acceptable except math

Math is not red

It is nowhere close to red

53% of users disagree, according to my data

Biased sample


what site did you use to make this?

the web based alternative is google sheets, window is ofc excel

At least History is correct, all the other ones are terribly wrong

history is tied with red

History IS red

No, that is the most silly idea I have ever heard, history’s not anything particularly important, so why give it the most known color??

think about how much blood has been spilled throughout history and maybe that will change your opinion. πŸ€”βš”πŸ“”

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how is red the most known color?

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math is red

I agree with the consensus, except that math should be blue, not red. (blue ranked in #2, though) πŸ‘

I hand-counted every post about this

can you post the data?

do you know who chose what or is this all the data?

I just went through every post where people said their preferences and added it up into a spreadsheet