According to public consensus:

  • Math is red (7 votes)

  • Science is green (6 votes)

  • English is yellow (4 votes)

  • History is yellow, tied with red (2 votes)

Jun 2, 2023, 8:23 PM
7 0 39

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No, that is the most silly idea I have ever heard, history’s not anything particularly important, so why give it the most known color??

think about how much blood has been spilled throughout history and maybe that will change your opinion. 🤔⚔📔

Still the main color, it doesn’t make sense not to assign it from the beginning on

clearly you’re outnumbered (only history agrees with you), so maybe history is red for most people…

Doesn't stop it from not making sense, though

you mean because of the blood thing? 😎😏

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how is red the most known color?

That’s the first color that comes to mind when thinking color for most people

most people where? in Germany, in the U.S., in Asia, in the whole world?? saying a color “is the main color” doesn’t make sense.

I’d say it’s the world in general.

why do you say that? have you ever been to Africa, Asia, or South America. In both Brazil and South Africa (a random sample from these continents), red is not in the top 3 favorite colors.

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not true

What would be the first then

am red. can confirm.

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