Hey guys another update here!

I’ve touched down in North Carolina with my girlfriend and we have just got inside our caravan where we will be staying. If reeks of shit, just like the shit I did on that maths test a few days back, but it’s so cosy!

Yo @oren wanna meet up tomorrow?

EDIT: my girlfriend doesn’t like North Carolina anymore since there is no Burger King nearby (if i knew that was her favourite fast food restuarant I wouldn’t have got with her) I am now going to Canada instead, hopefully this caravan won’t combust!

Good news!

I met up with my crush today (I was wearing a ski mask) at the sewer treatment centre (seemed the most suitable place) I apologised and she laughed it off, especially with my jokes like “you got shat on like a shit shotgun”

We are now going out, however I told her I’m fleeing to North Carolina (@oren’s state, he said it’s good) and now she is coming with me! What a result, and I’m sure I will now live happily ever after!

Jun 17, 2023, 10:06 PM
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