Elon Musk says terms like “cisgender”and “cis” are now considered “slurs” on Twitter and will not be tolerated.


EDIT: Elon never said that you can't say the word. He said that repeated harassment would be banned. The only thing he said about the word cis is that it was considered a slur. You can still say many slurs on Twitter (such as the N word)

Jun 21, 2023, 5:04 PM
14 6 107

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So, there is a argument to be had on the whole “who should get the title blah blah blah” but first of all, I don’t think the word “cis” is offensive, second, up even if it is offensive to a tiny part of the population, bannning it????? I mean, the words, straight people are dumb, are even more offensive, but you won’t get banned for saying that

exactly. couldn’t “trans” be a slur by Elon’s logic. if trans people don’t want to be labeled as trans, they should have the same right not to be as cis people. It’s a factual label that conservative billionaires like Elon are trying to scare/trick people into thinking is offensive.

Ok saying last bit

that is really offensive.

no it isn't

You seriously need to learn that not everyone will have the same opinion as you. Blaming opinions on billionaires is immature, wrong and insulting to those with those opinions

I didn’t say that all people with an opinion have been influenced by politicians/scaremongers, but many have. As with many other political causes, politicians do try to demonize minorities, not that all people with this opinion are dumb, but I do disagree with the opinion.

Your comment didnt come off that way

You can disagree with it but also accept that people are offended by it

i don’t have to agree that it’s offensive, though if i say that i’m offended by something, other people don’t have to accept it if they feel it’s not reasonable 🤷‍♂️

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