friendly reminder that all life is meaningless

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anything that happens during your life doesn't matter once you die

uhh people have made impacts on the world that last beyond their own deaths

it won't matter to those people now. they're dead.

death means a complete and (questionably) permanent loss of consciousness, and someone who cannot think cannot feel.

right but as humans we have empathy towards other humans. you can understand how your life affects/will affect others even after you're gone.

the thought that once you stop being conscious nothing matters, is a little self-centered. the world continues to exist, and your impacts will continue to exist beyond you.

yup (don’t know whether it’s a good or bad thing though)

maybe you in 100 years won’t be around to care how you spend your time now, but you in 10 years will be

I don't think I'll still be alive in 10 years

spoilers bro

How about tomorrow?

Yeah, I'll probably be here tomorrow

so do something today that your tomorrow self will be proud of

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? if you need anyone to talk to we're here for you..

i mean i just don't think i will be able to survive that long

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