random question. (be honest i don’t mind).

if i were to add donations/paid tier/merch to wasteof, would anybody be willing to actually donate? would pay for domain, hosting, infra, etc. fees.

  • yes, i would donate ($10+)

  • I would donate but only if I get sometimes in return (eg. profile badge, merch, or premium site features)

  • i might donate

  • i would never donate (this is totally fine)

Jul 25, 2023, 11:40 AM
28 2 46


I might donate $5-10

i might donate

i think it would be a good idea to add a small profile badge, etc. or something (but nothing too consequential). also, the methods i would probably be most comfortable using would be Patreon or GitHub sponsors.

I wouldn’t because I couldn’t

(if i could i would for sure)

yeah i would

I’d possibly get some merch or donate a small amount, but I wouldn’t really be interested in a paid tier