Was at a football game yesterday were the mum behind me was encouraging her 1 year son to swear in the chants.

Hot take: encouraging your children to swear is the up there with the worst parenting you can do and if you know there’s gonna be swears at a sports game, then don’t take any children under 6.


I’m much more concerned with the decibels rather than the cusses; their weak little eardrums would be absolutely destroyed by the loudness of the audience

teaching swears to your children will ruin their life as they won't ever be taught to use a more respectful vocabulary instead and will end up not succeeding in their career due to their vocabulary being so limited that they swear constantly

source: I swear frequently and I'm trying to stop doing it as much

Swearing isn’t really good for you in any way. I don’t know why people do it so much.

I swear but I do it in a time and place. Around kids or any person really when speaking to them is not, unless it’s more casual/for context

The fact that this has to be a hot take 💀💀💀