Imagine if this website had an algorithm


my latest post is part of an attempt to work on an algorithm for @wasteofplus. it will suggest users who people you follow follow, as well as posts from your followers/people who you follow follow.

I like the sound of that

algorithms suck but i would really like a recent posts feature, too hard to figure out who to follow

I just want to see content that I haven't already seen and avoid missing things

one of the problems with wasteof imo is that new nerds can hardly get any followers who actually see their content because it's pretty much a closed system, apart from reposts

Following of following page for wasteof?

@jeffalo this man is a genius

And that is why I choose to repost without adding any text, to draw attention to the original post

wasn’t trying to gaslight you or anything though lol, my repost was just meant as a joke

this is a feature but unfortunately it is admin-exclusive

i mean, it technically does (just not a very complex one 💀)